You’re finally all packed-up, your list of “must bring” travel accessories is all checked and you’re ready to get on the road.

Before you set off on your adventures, verify that the following items made it inside your baggage.

We often see travelers that wished they had brought them along. If hostels are going to be your homes away from home for a little while, these travel tips will come in handy.

  1. Padlocks
    Lots of hostels, including all USA Hostels, will provide lockers for your valuables, but you must bring your own locks. It would be best to have a couple of them, a tiny one and a thicker one. This way, you’ll always have one that fits the locker provided, while you can use the other one to secure your main luggage zippers together.
  2. Earplugs
    A must-have when staying in hostels. A snoring roommate could keep you up all night, unless you packed these practical night savers!
    Eye mask, your best friend at night or on transit!
  3. Eye Mask
    Even if turning the lights on and off throughout the night is bad dorm etiquette, you might share a room with an ill-mannered traveler, or you might be surrounded by paper-thin curtains. Put on an eye mask and the problem is solved! Total darkness. Eye masks can also be useful in transit, like in planes, trains or buses.
  4. Reusable Bags (made of fabric – no plastic!)
    Extra bags really do come in handy and take up almost no space. Use them to store your dirty clothes, wrap up souvenirs or carry the extra stuff you’ll buy along the ride.
  5. Phone
    If you plan to be on a tight schedule with early flights/tours, bring a small alarm clock with you. Hostels rarely do wake-up calls, and relying on your internal clock could have disastrous consequences on your onward travels.
  6. Flip-Flops
    A cheap pair of thongs does wonder when you share shower facilities or when you’re just chilling in a hostel, doing your laundry or getting breakfast.
  7. A Dose Of Flexibility
    Ok, you can’t physically carry this last one, but make sure to have it! Traveling can be quite unpredictable, so be ready for all sorts of situations. Have some leeway in your travel schedule. Whatever doesn’t go as planned will only make better stories to tell!